Not only are guests offered a safe, warm environment and nutritious breakfast and lunch (served restaurant-style by volunteers), but they are also offered a very large set of other services, such as:
- Medical and mental health services 5 days a week, provided by physicians and psychiatrists who donate their time. We were told that common medical problems are diabetes and exposure-related conditions such as frostbite, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, cuts on hands and feet, and other conditions caused by living on the streets.
- A reading room with comfortable chairs and lots of books for the guests to take, read, and return. Since many of the guests are big readers, they're planning a book club, too.
- A nap room with 6 beds, a favorite spot for women who may have been awake all night.
- A shower room, complete with personal care items and robes for women who may be washing their clothing in the nearby laundry machines.
- A resource room, which housed mail slots for any guests who wanted to use the Women's Lunch Place as an address to receive surface mail, 3 computers, phones with voicemail boxes so guests can receive private voice messages, a message board, and resource manuals for other services guests may need.
- A community room with toys for kids. Knitting, crocheting, and art classes were also held here.
- A "closet" where women could get clothing and personal care items.

Boston is truly fortunate to have the Women's Lunch Place, with its dedicated, focused staff and volunteers, providing this resource for our neediest women. Like all such programs, they depend heavily on volunteers and donations, and could use YOUR contributions, too.