The Market is open a few hours a day, Tuesday-Friday. Its small room (perhaps 15 x 15 ft) contains items such as spaghetti sauce, pasta, canned vegetables, diapers, and household cleaning supplies, as well as a few refrigerated and frozen items such as ground beef and turkey, bacon, eggs and milk. All items are bought at wholesale rates through the food bank and are sold at wholesale cost plus 10-15% to cover transportation costs. Shoppers may use cash or their SNAP electronic benefit cards for food items.

As with many hunger-related programs, JoAnne gives much more than food. She knows many of her customers by name, understands their individual situations, and has an easy chair next to the desk for them to use if they want to chat. As she listens to their situations, she may refer them to other agencies such as Kingswood Community Center, across the street, where they might get help with outstanding bills and other needs.
Plans are underway to add a similar market to the Milford branch of the Food Bank of Delaware as it expands to meet the needs of the southern counties.
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